Notebook do Vertex AI Workbench: Qwik Start avaliações

Notebook do Vertex AI Workbench: Qwik Start avaliações

132446 avaliações

Ankush M. · Revisado há about 9 hours

Sangeetha S. · Revisado há about 9 hours

Ashif K. · Revisado há about 9 hours

Nayan K. · Revisado há about 10 hours

vaidehi W. · Revisado há about 10 hours

Mayur G. · Revisado há about 10 hours

Aman S. · Revisado há about 10 hours

Pavel S. · Revisado há about 10 hours

Prachi P. · Revisado há about 10 hours

Oskar S. · Revisado há about 10 hours

Priti M. · Revisado há about 10 hours

Sahil W. · Revisado há about 10 hours

vedika m. · Revisado há about 10 hours

Samyak J. · Revisado há about 10 hours

Chotemiya B. · Revisado há about 10 hours

21_0056 Nguyễn Đ. · Revisado há about 10 hours

Đăng H. · Revisado há about 11 hours

Did not get the V1 going: Using endpoint [] ERROR: ( FAILED_PRECONDITION: Framework can not be identified from model path. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- CalledProcessError Traceback (most recent call last) Cell In[78], line 1 ----> 1 get_ipython().run_cell_magic('bash', '', '\nOUTPUT_PATH=gs://$BUCKET_NAME/$JOB_ID\nMODEL_BINARIES=$OUTPUT_PATH/keras_export/\ngcloud ai-platform versions create v1 \\\n--model $MODEL_NAME \\\n--origin $MODEL_BINARIES \\\n--runtime-version $TFVERSION \\\n--python-version $PYTHONVERSION \\\n--region=global\n')

Oskar S. · Revisado há about 11 hours

JEMIL M. · Revisado há about 11 hours

Ping Wei S. · Revisado há about 11 hours


Ratnesh S. · Revisado há about 12 hours

Amar K. · Revisado há about 12 hours

Muskan .. · Revisado há about 12 hours

Amar K. · Revisado há about 12 hours

Alokesh D. · Revisado há about 13 hours

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